The Effectiveness of Decision Making in the Educational Sector: “Benchmarking of Strategic Management of Colleges in Oman and UK

Jalal Hassan Zeaitar and Sheidi

Received Date: 2024-11-13| Accepted date: 2025-01-25


The study aims to compare the decision-making processes in the educational institutions of Oman and the UK, considering their respective strategic management models to achieve this aim; the data regarding the decision-making was collected from the respective colleges of the UK and Oman. The target population was concerned departments’ Dean, Directors, and HOD. About 14 responses were collected. Frequency and percentage of responses were identified.  Three main themes were identified through thematic analysis of survey results, including information systems, internal and external threats management, and outstanding accomplishments of institutions. However, the small sample size (N=14) is the primary limitation restricting the study results.   Results from a study between the UK and Oman showed differences in risk management and internal procedures. This study offers recommendations for bettering strategic management techniques and enhancing our awareness of decision-making processes in higher education. Furthermore, it highlights the need for a well-rounded strategy for making decisions that combines effectiveness with inclusion. Recommendations are offered to educational policymakers and administrators to improve strategic decision-making and entire institutional performance.


Decision making, strategic management, educational institutions, Oman colleges, UK colleges.




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