Plagiarism and Infringement of Copyright

Authors must ensure that their work is original and genuine and that they will state the source of the content. The journal uses iThenticate to scan papers for non-original content. Hence, your submission of the paper is your consent to that examination as a procedure within the arbitrator and product review process. 

Conflict of Interests

In addition to notifying the editor-in-chief, the authors must make clear during the research of any conflict of interest that may have affected their research or their decision to submit it to the journal. The arbitrators must also declare any conflict of interest that may affect their arbitration of the research they have reviewed, in addition to notifying the editor-in-chief thereof as soon as possible. The editor has the right to make a decision to refuse to publish any research that establishes a conflict of interest.

Open Access and Creative Commons Attribution License

This is an open access journal, and the published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided each paper is properly cited.


Plagiarism & Infringement of Copyright

Conflict of Interests

Review Policy


Review Policy

The International Marketing Journal of Culture and Tourism follows a policy of blind review by reviewers. The paper is sent to the arbitrator for review according to the journal’s instructions and the specifications of the good research paper. As for the papers subject to amendment according to the evaluation of one of the arbitrators, the arbitrator must ensure the quality of the paper after the amendment in terms of acceptance or lack thereof.

Publishing Ethics and Wrong Publishing 

Any author who submits his/her work to the journal for publication as original research undertakes that the submitted works are their original contributions and are not an excerpt in whole or in part from the work of others, knowing that the journal is subject to the Code of CONDUCT AND BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR JOURNAL EDITORS and is also subject to COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.


Upon submitting the manuscript, the authors agree that its copyright has been transferred to the journal. Printed papers are published under the Creative Common Attribution License, which grants rights to unrestricted use, publication, and reproduction in all media, provided the research is properly documented. The researcher must sign the copyright form after acceptance of the research and before publication.

The journal follows procedural policies to make these changes, which are:

  • The researcher has the right to make the necessary additions, clarifications, and corrections, and to clarify errors, if any, in the research after its publication, by notifying the editorial board.
  • The researcher has the right to request to withdraw his research after submitting a written request and explaining the reasons thereof, and the editorial board shall issue its final decision in this regard.
  • The editorial board has the right to remove the research from the journal’s website in the event that plagiarism and scientific theft is proven, or if it has been previously published in another journal.